Saturday, October 25, 2008


My dad passed away this morning at 3:10.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Spider bite

Hey y'all. I'm just going to do a short update. Monday they told us that they didn't expect Dad to live more than 2 more weeks. The weather here was PERFECT for a few days. It was not too hot or too cold. I'm serious the only word for it was perfect. One more thing, when Dad was at hospice this last time, my bro and I took turns staying up with him at night. If we didn't they wouldn't let him go outside and that is where he likes to be. So anyway I was outside with him one night and we were dozing together. Well, something bit me. It hurt! Really bad! I thought at first it was a mosquito cuz I didn't see anything. It hurt so bad though that I couldn't go back to dozing for awhile. Then periodically it woke me up cuz it hurt so bad. Well in the morning I didn't think much about it, except that it was a big mosquito or that he'd gotten a lot of blood. lol. Then later in the day I noticed my finger was swelling a bit and was real red. Upon further inspection I saw two tiny holes about a huge spider's mouth apart! I tried to take pics of it to put up but they all came out blurry. But for a rough measurement they are about half the length of my pinkie nail apart! I'm serious! It hurt for several days afterwards too. Spiders for some reason love to bite me. I get bit by them all the time. But this was the first time I was bit by one that actually woke me up when he bit me cuz it hurt so bad. Normally when I get bit by spiders they just look like a mosquito bite with a pus center in the middle of them and itch like crazy. Sometimes little red streaks out from the bite. This bite was different. My finger hurt like all get out, swelled up, and it did itch. I hate spiders! Spiders love me! I wonder if I smell good to them or something. Mosquito's love me too! Anyhow this is way longer than I planned, but...oh well.

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Job!

I have a new job! It is a nursing job, but it isn't in a hospital. It is in a moving clinic giving immunization shots to people. The pay is good and it is part time so I can still spend time with Dad. I'm so happy! God is good! This is my dad. He is going down hill. His lungs are getting worse. But I am thankful for the time God is giving to me to be with him. The weather changed out here really fast. It was from 100+ degrees to 70 and below. I was absolutely freezing for several days. I am now used to it, and it feels quite nice. I didn't expect the temp to get this low. I left almost all my fall clothes in storage in Indiana. It was 40 when I got up this morning. But it felt good.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Praises and Blessings

I don’t get the chance to praise God at the church that I am currently attending. I have so much to praise Him for that I just figured to do it here. I want people to know what He is doing in my life and my family’s.
1. I made it out to AZ safely. The car did not give me any trouble. I was not accosted while sleeping in the Wal-Mart parking lot or on the side of the road. I was not in a wreck, didn’t even come close to being in a wreck.
2. God has touched my dad. When I got here he was admitted to hospice. He looked very sick. I thought he was going to pass soon. But people have been praying for him. People from Washington all the way to North Carolina. I am so thankful for the people praying for him! So dad got better. They released him from hospice. He is back in now, but he doesn’t look anywhere near as bad as he did when I first got out here. They are also releasing him from hospice probably tomorrow. I really believe God has touched Dad. I’m so thankful for that, because for one reason it gives me more time with him.
3. I have two babysitting jobs. It isn’t a lot but it works. I’m thankful for God watching over me and providing for me.
4. I received my temporary AZ nursing license. I know God will provide a nursing job for me when the time is right. Until that time I have my babysitting jobs.
5. My Grampa has relented and let my brother stay at their place. In my opinion God is using my dad’s illness to bring my grampa around to forgiving my brother of the wrong’s he did 8 years ago. My grampa also believes that God is using my dad’s illness to bring dad and my uncle together.
6. My brother has a job.
7. My mom has a job.
8. I found a church to attend. It isn’t a Nazarene church, but it is a good church.
9. God has given me the opportunity to take care of my dad.
I know there are more blessings and praises I could give, but right now I can’t think of them. I just know that God is working in my life and my family’s life. I know that He loves us and is looking out for us. I love Him.