Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My Life for the Past Seven Months

Hello one and all...my last post was seven months ago. A LOT has happened since then. :0) First I got a job. I have been working as an RN in a community hospital, since Jan. It is a small hospital, but it has many opportunities. For instance the Telemetry, Med-Surg, and Ped's are all on one floor (my floor). In bigger hospitals each of these areas would have their own floor. We also get overflow from the women's center. I have worked in the women's center. We also have a security ward in our hospital. We have several prisons around us, and when they need more medical help than their facility offers they come to us. I have worked in the security ward quite a few times. I couldn't do it regularly though. I know they are people too, but...I just couldn't.

Moving on.

One evening I asked my uncle and aunt if they knew of any single available men in the area around my age. Right away each of them has a suggestion. My uncle's guy was rich (my uncle said a millionaire) and I will say that I believe my uncle. He coerced a picture out of the guy and sent me the pic via a text message. The man (I'm not knocking it...I promise) wore glasses straight from the 80's and used oil to comb over his hair. (This looks good on my Grampa...not so much this guy). But I figured if I put some work into I might be able to fix him up. He was workable. :0) My uncle warned me though that he might be too set in his ways. He proceded to give me an example of such. Then it turns out the man wasn't as young as my uncle thought so that idea didn't pan out.

Now my aunt had an employee that she was trying to set me up with. One weekend, in Feb., we were going to the movies. My and and me. She comes in and tells me that she hoped I didn't mind but she invited a gentleman friend along. I was thinking why would that bother me he's your friend. BUT then she said she didn't invite him for herself but for me. I was like ok I can do this. For those of you who do know me...I'm not very talkative to start out with. If I know you then you wish I'd shut up. lol. Well I hardly talked to the poor fellow and I made my aunt sit in between us. :-D I can only imagine what he was thinking. Then we went to eat afterwards, where he tried to engage me in conversation. It didn't work too well for him. He did ask for my number, so I gave it to him.

We started texting practically non stop went on several more "dates" cuz at this point and time we were "just friends". Well it progressed and in May he proposed to me. Then on June 1st we were married. I NEVER thought I would marry someone after only knowing him for 3 1/2 months. We went to TN and got a marriage license and got married by a creek in Gaitlinburg. David, I , the minister, and the photogher were the only ones there. My mom told me I'd be married when I was 25 (when I was 24 yrs. old) I told her it wasn't going to happen, cuz I had to date a guy for at least 2 yrs. before I'd marry. My mom is laughing now. :-D

Now about my husband for those of you who are waiting to hear about him. He is super nice. Buys me flowers every month since he proposed. Does the dishes and house work without being asked. Takes out garbage. Fixes my car. LOVES ME!!!! He is an awesome guy. Goes out of his way to help people if he can. Treats me like royalty. He is patient. For those of you who don't know me I am seriously lacking in patience. I honestly don't think there is another man out there that can love me as much as David does. I think he is my soul mate if you will. I know some of you will say there isn't such a thing. That God didn't create just one person for everyone because women out number men in this world. I'm not disputing that. But I am saying that for me, David and I were created for each other. This didn't really hit me til Sunday when we were in church. I think God has been preparing me for him my whole life. :-)

Some of our adventures since we have been married consist of cookie dough and road trips.

The cookie dough.

I bought a 3 lb. tub of cookie dough in a bucket. Thinking we can eat off this for awhile. You know when you want a quick fix just pop some cookies in the oven. Well...after three days of working 12's I wanted some cookies. I went to the freezer and lifted out the cookie dough expecting it to be heavy. It practically flew out of my hands it was so light! I couldn't believe it! I had just bought it 3 days ago! David was in the bathroom getting ready for work, so I asked him about it. He swears he only ate half...but I have pictures to prove otherwise. The tub was supposed to make 36 cookies. David said he could make me 6 huge cookies with the cookie dough that was left. He was only able to squeeze 5 smallish-mediums out. I was very disappointed all the cookie dough had disappeared. I hadn't expected it from him at all. I told him if it was my mother I would have expected it, or my brother but not him. So the dear went out and bought me some cookie dough the next day and hasn't touched it at all. I still have some of that cookie dough in the fridge after 2 months.

The road trip
Our trip...We went to northern Indiana for David's work. He is an EMT. He had to take a class. When he was done we thought we'd go to Lake Michigian since it was only an hour away. It was awesome, beautiful. I loved it. We could see Chicago's outline across the lake. So we were like lets go to Chicago it's only an hour away. So we went. We were going to go up in the Sear's tower, but parking prices were outrageous. It was $6 for 20 min., $14 for 40 min. etc. So we just ate at a downtown restaurant. It was a blast. Then we came home.

We went and bought new mattress. Pillow top mattress...they are awesome! Oh and my car's headlight needs to be ducked taped into place or it falls out. So David convinced me to buy some hot pink duck tape for my car instead of gray. I think it adds more character to her :-D We went to Mammoth Cave. Don't have pics of that though. Hopefully now that this is posted I'll be able to keep y'all more up to date on my life.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Traveling Home

I traveled back to KY recently. I went the southern route this time to miss any snow and ice that I might have encountered otherwise. I traveled through the middle part of TX. I used to think that TX was ugly (and the top part still is), but traveling across the middle part of the state I found that it isn't all ugly. I rather enjoyed it. I stayed my first night in a hotel in Big Springs, TX. I stopped at a hotel to ask the price. It was $90 for one night. That was a little to rich for my blood. So, the clerk told me about another hotel. Well, actually it was a motel. Anyhow I found it. It looked a little run down, and not the kind of place I would normally stay at by myself, but I did. So I pulled into the parking lot, got out to go to the window for a room and a guy whistled at me. Of course I didn't turn around...you don't want to encourage them. I paid my money, received my room key and got back in my car to get some food. On my return, when I was getting out of my car the guy whistled at me again. (Well, since I didn't look...I hope it was a guy and not a girl :-) ). Once again I didn't look. The room smelled of smoke and something else not pleasant. The floor was dirty. The bed was clean and that was really all I cared about. The door was kinda flimsy. So I shoved a chair nice and snug up under the door knob. I really didn't feel safe there. I felt safer sleeping in my car in the walmart parking lot when I was going to AZ. I kept the t.v. most of the night...then thought if anything was going to happen it was going to happen whether the t.v. was on or not. lol. Nothing happened. My second night I upgraded. That hotel was lovely. It was all clean...no characters hanging around...it was lovely. I spent my second night in Louisiana. It was new year's eve. My grandpa and mom told me to get a hotel at 6. So I missed a lot of traveling time, but it was ok. On my third day I made it home. I traveled about 2,090 miles. I took it easy on my car because she is aging. Oh I went to sleep at 10 on new year's eve. So I brought in the new year asleep. When I was a kid I remember being at my granny's for a couple of new year's and she slept through them and I couldn't understand why she didn't stay up. Now I can understand. Mississippi is a state that I would like to visit again. I have three job interviews and a possible fourth. I'm so excited about them. I will tell you that since I have traveled from OH to AZ and then from AZ to KY, by myself, that I feel like the world is open to me. I love to travel!